There once was a man one who had two faces. The man was evil and good. The man's name was John. One day I went to a bar and a man named Tommy pushed him. Then John will start hitting. Tomy's friends got into a fight because he stuck to Tomy bean. John agarrun quebrla stick them back. John There he became evil. Because john is enojy when angered becomes violent. A week later went for a callejny encontrladrones and robbers threatened him but John said, "You threaten me? Now they will see," and began to fight. Until the police came, the thieves are gone, but John stayed, the police said, "raise your hands" but John does not levantlas hands sacunas wings and flew away. John could not believe ever attacked. Then there was a blue suit with two wings, two yellow horns and chest half a face good and bad. It was called "Two Faces." It has a radar of all New York, when flashing, place are a danger, then takes wings and flies away to the place. ................................................ Twofacesman / September 2005 Nicko has 11 years, is Paraguayan though born in Geneva. It is innate artist, loves writing, reading, playing piano, singing and painting. Transitsus first ten years of life between Europe and South America. Nicko's life today takes place in Buenos Aires, surrounded by "dark," "threats" and "dead ends." Twofacesman is an important part of life Nickolas.